Today I don’t have a car, Isabel and Gina decided go to a Children’s Farm near Tamworth. Before, at half past height, they took me to my English course in Erdington: five hours to learn English with my personal teacher Steph!

When it stopped raining, we went into Steph’s garden to practice new sentences and get some raspberries. In this garden, there ara a lot of flowers and big bees too. Indoors, we continued the lessons: we watched an interesting trailer to the film “The Intern”, starring by Robert de Niro and Anne Hathaway. We will add this to the list of outstanding films we would like to watch.

This morning, in the teacher’s House too, I met Valencian people. This was a nice coincidence in Birmingham, although I have lived in Barcelona for twenty years, we have our family and good friends in Gandia, near to Valencia.

After my course, I walked to our house in England, I didn’t hurry and I wanted to walk. When I arrived, Gina told me about her adventures at Ash End House Children’s Farm: she roud on a little pony, she found a fresh egg to take home, she went on tractor around the paddocks… but I will explain this story another day.

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